Opening sequence of thriller 2)
The trailer of this film has many conventions of a thriller. As the man in the phone booth, who is also the protagonist, answers the phone there is a sense of mystery. This is because he does not know the person on the line, "who is this", however the person is able to identify him by his name.
The sub- genre I would class this film in would be a psychological thriller because the antagonist tries to play mind games with the protagonist. He does this by saying "I am aiming at you right now". This helps to create suspense and tension as the sniper could shoot him at any time.
Furthermore the camera shots used also help to create tension. At the beginning of the clip we are able to see the protagonist through the view of the snipers scope. This connotes that the man in the booth is in danger and his life may be at risk. Also a low angle shot of the sorrounding buildings shows the superiority of the snipers secret wearabouts. In comparison to the not-so secret wearabouts of the protagonist.
Finally this clip has omniscient narration. This creates mystery as although we see the antagonist`s view we are unable the see the antagonist himself.
Excellent analysis Andre! Confident use of media terminology and very detailed use of evidence to support your points. Discussions of characters representation and camera shots are superb!
Overall excellent textual analysis skills well linked to the thriller genre- im very impressed!
My only criticism is where is the second one?!
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